Salient features you will love!

Periodic appraisal

Conduct periodic performance appraisal ranging from monthly, quarterly, semi-annualy and annualy. Keep track of periodic evaluation of individuals attitude, personality, behaviour and stability in their job profiles

Numerous methods

Configure your own appraisal method. From 360° appraisal method, essays evaluation, BARS, Paired comparison, Critical Incidents technique, Human Asset Accounting Method, Management By objective to Rating scale appraisal techniques.

Numerous metrics

We have pre loaded appraisal questions based on your appraisal method of choice. You can update the pools of questionnaire, activate and mute questions you currently do not want, and delete the ones you believe you won't need in your evaluations.

Performance reviews

Set the challenges and evaluate performance. Appraisal strategies is not just for the purpose of appraisal. Your organisation undertakes these processes to make sure performance is improved time after time.

Compentency reviews

Your staff are competent. Do they need improvement ? Automatically use data captured in appraisal to measure performance of your individual staff, your departments, branxh offices and the entire organization.

Personal development

Each staff has a need for personal and career development. With this system your employees have the option to set personal goals to achieve in a period of time. They can make an evaluation at their own will and share with others

Feedback mechanism

You don't need to ask each staff for feedback. Our system has a feedback center for any staff to communicate from any branch or department. Give them chance to report anything without worry. Decide to keep feedback as private, confidential, restricted or public.

Personality test

How does personality test lead to a great organization achievement? Let staff perform self-reflection, get the best perfomance you can out of each one and find the best job placement you can, and let them learn how to better interact with one another and with your greatest asset, the CUSTOMER.

Analytical reports

Every single data matters for analytical reports. Get an integral customized interface to perform your daily activities with reliable details about your staff. Make sound decisions because you are sure of what you are doing. With this system, you do not have to guess!

Why us?

A clear competence model based evaluation principles that in the end produces professional descriptive reports summarizing the evaluation results.

The system is also suitable for organizations with complex structures and numerous branches located in different regions. Accessed from any place in the world with any device.

The system is suitable for companies that wish to structure their employee evaluation processes, regardless of the size of their workforce. With our system, you can conduct numerous evaluations simultaneously.

A clear competence model based evaluation principles that in the end produces professional descriptive reports summarizing the evaluation results.

Going Above & Beyond

No matter how big or small your HR challenge might be, we are here to help!